016 - Will Hinkson

For Episode 016, Jason and Rich talk to Cadre Will Hinkson about going through transitions, perceptions versus reality, and the importance of finding an individual “why.” Will’s competitive nature - and some good advertising - led him to become a Reconnaissance Marine on the scorching rooftops of Iraq. Later during a security contracting gig in Kabul he started a side-gig which became the first CrossFit affiliate at an embassy. That experience shifted his focus to people-centered business and he returned to start a successful gym stateside. Will talks about what his veneer of success and relentless pace was covering however, and how he eventually got a wake up call via another commercial to fully transition to a more fulfilling, meaningful life. 

“Establish your why and chase it relentlessly. When you know why you’re doing something, and you have your core values and mission in place, do not let anything stop you.”

Will shares the story of how he answered an unexpected call by a buddy and found himself serving in a new capacity: as a dive team member at Force Blue, a non-profit which unites the community of Special Operations veterans with the world of marine conservation. Will also uses his skills to help others as the creator of Scale Through Impact, a leadership consulting company which provides resources and community support to small business owners.



017 - Cadre DS (Part 1)


015 - Chris Voss